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Showing posts from May, 2013

Writing: Summing up

A Summary is a brief account of a text.It is a long text distilled to its essentials.The sentence structure and the vocabulary have been changed, but the main ideas remain. The length of a summary must provide all the necessary information contained in the text but in few , simple words. When you write a summary you mustn't copy words or sentences , especially those of the author. You should re-organize and re-write the main points trying to give the same impressions and ideas as far as possible. Never write personal opinions: objectivity is essential. Writing a summary you should: -Keep to the text ; -Follow the logic of the text, -not write your personal ideas or commentaries - be clear Methodology - Read the text twice and highlight the main points - Eliminate all the words , details, passive forms and expressions that are not useful or relevant. -Highlight keywords and key sentences - Write down the summary and verify weather it keeps to the general ideas...

Speaking: slow food or fast food

SLOW FOOD or FAST FOOD? What do you stand for? The fat,  tasty a n d cheap meal or the fine dining and expensive one?  This simple and straightforward question throws into crisis my students most of the times.They're often undecided about it even though I always try to make up their minds and push them towards healthy, traditional, clean and fresh food...though it's a tough job! At least we can discuss a little bit about the issue! Let's go flipped! Look at the following pictures : What different situations do they show? In your personal opinion, what are the main differences between fast food and slow food? Which one do you prefer? Why? How often do you eat at fast foods? What do you usually eat at fast foods? Have you ever eaten at fine dining restaurants ? If yes, how was your experience? What is the story and philosophy of the “ Slow Food” movement? Want to find out more? You can ...

Speaking : GMOs VS Organic Food

How do you feel about genetically modified organisms and organic food? What do you think you know about them? GMOs are something that people know little about despite the fact  they have lots of feelings about.On the other hand many people are choosing to eat organic food because they say it is healthier tastier and better for the environment.It is a subject that shows the  importance of  science and food  education at school. As a teacher I just want to get a feeling about how my students  feel about this subject.Here are some tips for a  speaking lesson about the  issue. If you are asked to describe a photo or a picture in the exam, here is some language you can use: