A Summary is a brief account of a text.It is a long text distilled to its essentials.The sentence structure and the vocabulary have been changed, but the main ideas remain. The length of a summary must provide all the necessary information contained in the text but in few , simple words. When you write a summary you mustn't copy words or sentences , especially those of the author. You should re-organize and re-write the main points trying to give the same impressions and ideas as far as possible. Never write personal opinions: objectivity is essential. Writing a summary you should: -Keep to the text ; -Follow the logic of the text, -not write your personal ideas or commentaries - be clear Methodology - Read the text twice and highlight the main points - Eliminate all the words , details, passive forms and expressions that are not useful or relevant. -Highlight keywords and key sentences - Write down the summary and verify weather it keeps to the general ideas...
A blog for students of Catering and Hospitality Schools