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Showing posts from November, 2016

Literary morsels: flipped Shakespeare!

My latest flipped class before taking  students to theatre. Enjoy. WARM UP: answer the following questions. Write your answers on your notebook. Have you ever been to the theatre? Which play did you see? Do you know the names of any famous playwright? Have you ever seen any English plays or heard of any English playwrights?  Have you ever heard of Shakespeare or seen any of his plays(or films based on them) ? Can you name any of his plays? Do you know when he lived or anything about his life? Now watch the video. Remember that while watching  you can stop, skip, move forward/backw ard , watch it again. Last but not least, to switch to full screen click the full screen icon in the bottom corner of the video.   A nswer the following questions (c lick on the highlighted words to find out more ) : When and where was Shakespeare born? What did Shakespeare’s father do? With whom did he marry? How many children did they have? Why did he g...